Embed a fully customizable registration form anywhere you want, choose which fields appear during registration, from text inputs to photo and file uploads, easily organize and re-order your fields, help tooltips, field icons, and more. You can control which tabs are collapsed, or collapsible, and have full control on the form/fields.
Highly interactive front-end login, with ajax error handling, tooltips, and custom redirection support. Allow users with Facebook account to signin/register instantly.
Let users create a personalized profile, front-end profile supports unlimited custom fields that can be organized easily via plugin backend, twitter-like verified badge on the users you want, custom header background, and more.
The default member directory is beautiful and allow search, plus custom filtering available for all custom fields, including showing users per specific custom field, or role, etc.
By default, UserPro will restrict content you CHOOSE (or full pages) until users register and sign in. You can hide any content including shortcodes.